How Often to Wash Your Bed Sheets? Cleaning Tips and Shortcuts

We all dream of sleeping in clean, fresh bedding, but how often do we need to wash them to keep them clean?

If it’s been a while since you’ve washed your sheets, and you’re not sure how often they need to be cleaned, here are a few tips to help you out.

How Often Should You Wash Your Bed Sheets?

Every 7-10 days or so, and more often for kids-bedding that gets stained or develops a smell. You may get by with washing your sheets less often than that, but it can lead to the accumulation of dust mites and other allergens.

Cotton Sheets- Cotton sheets are the most popular type and need to be washed at least every two weeks. But it’s best to wash them between seven and ten days.

Silk Sheets- If you’re really careful, you’ll only need to wash silk sheets once or twice a year! Silk doesn’t stain easily, and you can easily wipe off any dirt between washes with a clean cloth.

Bamboo Sheets- Another popular type of bed sheet is bamboo. Although they are naturally anti-bacterial, bamboo sheets absorb sweat and oils from our skin which causes them to stain very quickly. It would be best to wash them weekly or as soon as they begin to show signs of stains to help keep them fresh.

lady having issues washing very dirty sheetsWhy It’s Important to Wash Your Sheets Often

There are several benefits you should only sleep on clean bedding.

Skin Health: The first is that it promotes healthier sleep. When you sleep on dirty sheets, your body will produce natural oils and sweat, leading to breakouts or other skin conditions.

Dust Mites: The next benefit comes from the fact that clean bedding helps keep dust mites away. Many people are allergic to these small microscopic creatures, and being around them for long periods can cause allergic reactions.

Crumbs: Another benefit to maintaining clean bed sheets is to help prevent crumbs from accumulating. Even if you don’t eat in bed, crumbs can find their way onto your sheets from your clothing, kids, and pets.

Allergens: The final reason to wash your sheets regularly is that it will help reduce allergens. There are many places where dust, pollen, and pet dander can accumulate, including bedding fibers.

What Happens if You Don’t Wash Your Sheets That Often?

Odor: The most common problem that arises from sleeping on dirty sheets is the smell. Dirty sheets can emit an odor the longer they are left on your bed and unwashed.

Stain: Your sheets will begin developing stains the longer you wait between washes. The earlier you catch the stains, the easier it is to remove them. Waiting too long may result in permanent color spots.

Itchy Skin: Lethargic or itchy feeling skin is another common side effect of not washing your sheets enough. Moisture from your body usually escapes through the fiber of the sheets. However, dirt can clog the fibers and trap body sweat and dust, preventing it from escaping and causing skin irritations.

Aging: Each time you wash your sheets, a small amount of dirt and grime remains behind. Cleaning them on a regular basis will remove more of the lingering dirt and keep them looking new for longer.

Final Thoughts

You should wash your bed sheets on average every seven to ten days or so, and more often if you have kids that are messy. You may get by with washing them less, but you may see an accumulation of dust mites, allergens, and other dirt that will be more difficult to remove later.